by pcphotography | Nov 22, 2019 | Sitter
I had this gorgeous girl come visit me in my brand new studio so I could practice with my new lighting situation and use some of the new outfits/props I had invested in. Isn’t she...
by pcphotography | Apr 24, 2019 | Sitter
I always love catching up with my little clients as they grow and change. Trying to get a photo of these two together was a bit of a challenge but we succeeded in the end. I also wanted to try take a few photos to compare how far he has come in his 6 months. Here...
by pcphotography | Jul 25, 2018 | Sitter
You can’t tell from the images but this little one took a little while to warm up to the camera but after a bottle and some singing and dancing she was brilliant.
by pcphotography | Jul 5, 2018 | Sitter
How gorgeous is this little guy, I love how inquisitive he is, the looks he gave me were so adorable.
by pcphotography | Jun 13, 2018 | Sitter
Sitter Sessions have become a quick favorite of mine, taking photographs of these growing smiling babies is such fun, you have to work quickly while you have their attention which can be challenging but I always have a few tricks to keep the giggles going. I decided...
by pcphotography | May 13, 2018 | Sitter
It was so lovely to have this little one join me for a sitter session, I have invested in some gorgeous new props especially for these sessions so I loved being able to try them out on such a smiley happy little girl.