Last year I met up with Janine, who is the Managing Director of Kaross which is based in Letsitele in Limpopo.  She explained all about Kaross, how it began and their plans/ideas for the future.  She was looking for a photographer to help bring her ideas to life.  I was so grateful to be chosen for this opportunity and have loved every minute of all the shoots we have done together.

Irma Van Rooyen, who is Janine’s Mom started Kaross in 1989.  She has always had a passion for art and had an idea that could help her local community.   Hand-made embroidered items made by the locals which could be sold world-wide.  Kaross now has thousands of people on their books, ladies and men who come to Kaross when they are ready to take on a project or have finished a project, they collect their next work of art and thread and are able to work from home while they embroider their next piece.

These works of art are exported all over the world, each item is personalised by the embroiders own colour choices and their own interpretation of the item they are making, they sign off each piece with their name so you know who has created your item.

I will be sharing 3 different shoots that we have done together, this first one is a more formal one that they wanted for a book they are busy updating and designing.

As well as the formal portraits I went into the factory to take some photos of where all the creating and finishing of the items takes place.

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